Matsvinn – Hotell
Matsvinn på hotell är ett bekymmer många hotellrestauranger dras med, oavsett vilka måltider som serveras under dygnet. Det finns flera sätt att angripa detta problem. Vi på Generation Waste är övertygade om ett systematiskt arbete med mätning, registrering och uppföljning bidrar till ett mer cirkulärt tänkande och agerande. Matsvinnet kan minskas genom beteendeförändringar hos hotellkökets medarbetare och matgäster, vilket i sin tur leder till ökad lönsamhet – och en mer hållbar framtid.
Jula Hotell begins collaboration with Generation Waste
Most people think of the store chain Jula when they hear the name. Jula was founded in 1979 as a family business and since a few years Jula has developed into a group, the Jula Holding group, with operations in Retail, Real Estate, Finance, Logistics and Hotels. In collaboration with Generation Waste, Jula Hotell and conference will start weighing and measuring their food waste. The ambition is eventually to also apply it to the remaining hotels.
Högbo Brukshotell starts collaboration with Generation Waste
A better climate for debate about what makes sense to take care of and what doesn't. How we should consider the waste we feed our pigs with. The coffee grounds that we fertilize the soil with, says Stefan Johansson, Food & beverage manager
Restaurang Långbro värdshus and Nationalmuseum begins collaboration with Generation Waste
We are pleased to announce that Restaurang Långbro värdshus and Nationalmuseum are starting a collaboration with Generation Waste. They start weighing their food waste with the Generation Waste measuring tool in September and are thus taking their sustainability work to new heights.