Don't throw away the avocado that has turned a little brown, or the lettuce that looks sad. Mix it with a handful of fresh mixed spinach, fresh ginger, and ice-cold orange juice - and you'll have a festive avocado smoothie! 🌱

An overripe avocado
1 apple
1 banana
2cm fresh ginger
1 handful of spinach
About 3 dl orange juice, freshly squeezed from an orange or purchased
Ice cubes
Gör så här:
Open the avocado with a knife, remove the core and peel off any strings
Then scoop out the avocado with a spoon
Cut the apple into four parts and remove the core
Peel the ginger with a spoon
Place all the ingredients in a bowl
Pour over the orange juice, alternatively squeeze oranges and pour over the spade
Mix with an immersion blender or in a blender
Pour into a glass and add a couple of ice cubes